Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday Scribblings: Keys

Pushed to the back of kitchen drawers, abandoned to empty purpose, are the keys to missing locks.

Perhaps in a stranger’s kitchen a wide-eyed youth discovers a cache' of shiny locks,

And stalking the world, liberated from myth, the mischief of the gods to which keys remain the signifier.

Sunday Scribblings


anno said...

Keys and locks are all about mystery and mischief; and kitchen drawers are just the place where everything gets all mixed up.

Acedog said...

Yes, I rather thought so too!

Dee Martin said...

I like Anno's comment almost as much as I liked your story..they go together well :)

Like the phrase "empty purpose"

gaby said...

A koan-like piece of flash fiction. Nicely done!

Jen said...

I loved this. Every where I lived, there was a kitchen drawer like that. And whose keys were they? And to what?

We'll never know...

Anonymous said...

Interesting... makes me wonder just what's going on in my own kitchen drawers when I'm not around to keep an eye on them.